Home Blog Energy supplier Will AGL Answer my Wish List or Not ?


So it’s that time of year again, everyone is busy writing their Christmas lists, and thinking of the ideal gifts for their loved ones. Discounts, clearances, bargains, boxing day deals, etc are what you see and hear all around. The businesses reduce their profit margins to attract more customers. People go on spending sprees, purchasing things they longed for.

But not energy businesses. They reverse the festive season and charge more instead. Energy providers go against the tide and increase electricity and gas prices with the start of the new year!

AGL Energy, while declaring their price hike with effect from 1st of January, have blamed network costs, wholesale market costs, government schemes and retailer (their own) costs for the decision, on their website. AGL default Electricity Prices will increase by an average of 9.5% according to the Herald Sun. Energy Australia have blamed the impact of higher wholesale power prices following the closure of large coal-fired generators and reliability issues with some big generators and have increased their default electricity prices by 14.4%. Origin topped the list with 14.9% increase. (Herald Sun)

Following AGL Energy and Energy Australia, nearly all the other retailers have revealed the details of their price increases, some coming up with different schemes, such as offering a flat rate for 2 years, and confusing the consumers as they always do.

The increase in the energy bill on an average household would be in 10-20% and the new bills would reach most of us in February and March. AGL Energy, being one of the leading providers along with Energy Australia and Origin Energy, should realise that this is a tough time of the year as families face the burden of back to school costs and settling post-Christmas and holiday spending credit card bills.

Is there any way for you to come out of this hassle of managing volatile energy prices and pay the lowest prices available in the market? We understand this is included in your wish list and although AGL Energy or any other provider is not ready to answer your plea, we at Energy Umpire, are ready to give you what you wish for. We keep watching what the retailers are doing and check their prices and plans all the time to help our clients stay on the cheapest energy prices, forever.

Come to Energy Umpire to find the best deals and we will ensure you pay the cheapest energy prices, around the year, guaranteed.