Home Blog Comparison services Méthode Traditionnelle? Good for Sparkling Wine; Bad for Electricity Comparison


My Electricity Price Shock

When I received my electricity bill in late March, at a time of peak production in ‘Vintage Wines’, I realised the total due amount was unusually high. Though I could recollect a notification of a rate increase by the electricity provider, I was not too sure by how much it was going up. Out of curiosity, I went through the details. Of course it took me quite some time to understand the bill as they never give the information in a plain and simple manner!

As I realised, the steep hike in the total was due to the increase in the rates the provider had charged from January onwards. The ‘peak’ rate had been increased by 16%, ‘off peak’ by 13% and the ‘supply charge’ by 18%. The feed in rate we get for feeding solar power to the grid too had already come down to 8 cents per kilowatt hour from previous 26 cents.

Cutting costs

The wine industry is going through a tough time, and as a result, we now analyse all avenues we could to cut down our costs. An energy audit done last year showed us a few ways of reducing our energy wastage. We went ahead with the recommendations and replaced defective steam traps, overhauled the steam boiler, repaired the heat exchangers and upgraded the insulation. These actions immediately paid back and we were managing the operation in a sustainable manner until this ‘bill shock’, which triggered my mind to do something about it.

Traditionally, I browse through the bill and authorise my accountant, Judy, to settle it by the due date. With all the work I had to look after in the winery, I simply did not have the time to analyse pricing trends, compare the rates and negotiate with providers.

How I Saved Time and $2847

Luckily, I came across Energy Umpire, who provided the ideal solution to me. They took out the burden of electricity comparison from me and offered to manage my electricity bills. Where there are savings they arrange to switch to the cheapest electricity prices all the time. That way I get the best electricity price and best feed in tariff, all the time, around the year. I’ll be saving $2,937 per year from my annual bill of $11,765 at a cost of $15/month. Even better I never have to worry about electricity comparison again.

That way I can focus my attention on my sparkling wine production, following méthode traditionnelle, rather than keeping an eye on my electricity provider.


(All names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals)