Home Blog Comparison services Energy Compare Vic Website – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing!


Vulnerable consumers are missing out on the benefits of a Victorian Government program that encourages people to find a better deal online for cheaper power, according to an article appearing on ABC News online edition dated 23.07.2018, written by Zalika Rizmal.

The State Government offered households a $50 bonus, just for looking for a better energy and gas deal on the Victorian Energy Compare website as we explained in our recent article. [Dear Mr Premier, let us save you $40M]

But, Zalika states that according to Mr. Zac Gillan, senior policy officer at the Consumer Action Law Centre, vulnerable consumers — such as migrants with limited English and older people — may not know about or benefit from the scheme.

He goes on to explain how the website asks difficult questions and uses technical jargon, requiring considerable digital and English literacy and familiarity with the energy market, making it impossible for the majority of the population to get the benefit. There are also many seemingly irrelevant questions relating to appliance use.

Energy Umpire, a pioneer in the field of energy comparison, keeps no stone unturned in finding the best energy plan for their customers. The customers are guided through a user friendly website or are encouraged to simply send their energy bills to get an impartial, thorough and an accurate energy comparison. Not stopping here, they ensure customers get switched over to the best plan and also follow up on volatile market conditions to ensure the customers always stay with the best plan.

The government wants every Victorian to have access to the Victorian Energy Compare website and potentially save hundreds of dollars each year on their energy bills. With the complications explained in the article, it is highly doubtful even if half of the Victorians would access it. Energy Umpire manages the energy comparison in a better manner and ensures their customers get the cheapest energy rates, all the time, actually saving hundreds of dollars.